Thursday, November 6, 2008

Final 9 Real Time Captures

Light switches- The Blue crystals supply the power to their respective levels, by pressing 'E' on the crystal, it cuts power and lighting to the floor.

Rotating mover- This mover allows the player to stand on it and then steer in a arc around the floor. This is mover is found in the higher levels, note the change in mood and scenery compared to the lower levels. The mechanic/industrial flavour of the first floors contrasts with the natural and relaxing feel of top floors to emphasise a change and add interest.

The Magic Stairs- Probably the most impressive example of matinee in the map, this sequence forces the player to jump from one platform to the next. As the player jumps on the first platform, the next one appears and so on until the player has progress around the corner and onto the next elevator.

Final Elevator- After leap frogging around the side of this 500m tall building, the player then must leap onto the final elevator which will swivel and rise to deploy them at the goal (top floor)

Linear Lifts- Here is a shot showing a basic lift which goes up and down (with cool sounds) allowing easy circulation of the floors in the map. Also, the power crystals can be seen allow the power to be cut on the level.

The Grail- This is it... end. Once the stealthy assassin has reached the top floor, he/she is faced with the majestic 'Power Core' which destructs when touched. As the player runs through it, a cinematic kicks in saying 'objective complete' and end the game.

Door- This is the first thing the player interacts with as they enter the map from the wharf. It's a basic 3 piece door complete with sounds that allows the player to gain access to the ground floor.

Blue Crystals- More power crystals (NB Phill's nice particles)

Elevator with Cinematic- By far the coolest lift, this lift swings out the side of one floor, does a loop half way around the tower then comes to rest about 3 floors up. The whole time the player is riding the lift, they are able to see themselves as a cinematic kicks in to capture the best angles of the mover.

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