Monday, August 18, 2008

Final Custom Machinima Clip

Experiment Results

The experiment was set up as shown in the clip, with dynamite and explosive barrel ls placed in the negative spaces of the building. The negative spaces are an example of porosity and demonstrate (on a large scale) the porous qualities of objects and how it changes after an explosion. With the detonation of the dynamite, the walls and all objects inside the building either blew up into millions of pieces or were pushed away by the blast as hypothesized. This confirmed my initial ideas about 'changing porosity'. A few of the heavier objects remained but were still effected in some way.

Modes of Documentary

My Custom Machinima documentary employs a Expository style approach. I have used images and short pans to illustrate and argument, or in this case, an experiment. The Expository mode of documentation utilises the concept that knowledge is already held by the filmaker, which is true because the film gives details about areas of high porosity. This shows that the filmaker had prior understanding about what was going on. The benifits gained from using this mode are that you I could share my results and findings with others. The images, clips and captions were able to illustrate my point.

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