Friday, November 7, 2008

The Complete UT3 Gameplay DEMO

NB- This video does not replace the DEMO file, it has just been recorded from the DEMO file. Please find BOTH DEMO files below



Tony Liu- Kismet
Phillip Lee- Particle Systems
David Butterworth- Matinee

After selecting my Solidworks Model as the UT3 base model, we began by adding our own elements of either matinee, kismet or particles. Phillip created particles to replicate fire, smoke and hot air and also blue flames. I programmed all the movers, lifts teleporters and cinematic sequences with the help of Tony who held the map together with his Kismet additions triggers.

It was a good team effort which resulted in a logical and clean map. The artistic desgin (lighting meshes etc..) was carefully considered to change over time and enhance the feel of progression as one ascended up the tower.

Friday 7th Nov 2008

Thursday, November 6, 2008


The following files are-

-UT3 Final map
-Gameplay video (DEMO)

The Gameplay DEMO showcases the map at work with a number of players. The players are allowed to interact with elements of the level as they make their way to the top. Our 'King of the Hill' version of hide and seek demonstrates an offensive and defensive side which oppose each other. Members of the defence may choose to hide and seek out the attackers to prevent the destruction of the node on the top level.




Here is the File Front link to my UT3 map and the Expertise Demo file. The Demo shows me interacting with the Matinee in the level. Obviously elements of Kismet have been used as well but the Demo showcases the signifigant elements of 'my' area of study, Matinee.

~PLEASE NOTE (Steve or Marker)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When viewing the DEMO you will need to left click once after each cinematic, this is so that the camera locks onto the player. There are about 3 cinematics, intro, level montage and elevator.




Experimental Video (30sec)

Final 9 Real Time Captures

Light switches- The Blue crystals supply the power to their respective levels, by pressing 'E' on the crystal, it cuts power and lighting to the floor.

Rotating mover- This mover allows the player to stand on it and then steer in a arc around the floor. This is mover is found in the higher levels, note the change in mood and scenery compared to the lower levels. The mechanic/industrial flavour of the first floors contrasts with the natural and relaxing feel of top floors to emphasise a change and add interest.

The Magic Stairs- Probably the most impressive example of matinee in the map, this sequence forces the player to jump from one platform to the next. As the player jumps on the first platform, the next one appears and so on until the player has progress around the corner and onto the next elevator.

Final Elevator- After leap frogging around the side of this 500m tall building, the player then must leap onto the final elevator which will swivel and rise to deploy them at the goal (top floor)

Linear Lifts- Here is a shot showing a basic lift which goes up and down (with cool sounds) allowing easy circulation of the floors in the map. Also, the power crystals can be seen allow the power to be cut on the level.

The Grail- This is it... end. Once the stealthy assassin has reached the top floor, he/she is faced with the majestic 'Power Core' which destructs when touched. As the player runs through it, a cinematic kicks in saying 'objective complete' and end the game.

Door- This is the first thing the player interacts with as they enter the map from the wharf. It's a basic 3 piece door complete with sounds that allows the player to gain access to the ground floor.

Blue Crystals- More power crystals (NB Phill's nice particles)

Elevator with Cinematic- By far the coolest lift, this lift swings out the side of one floor, does a loop half way around the tower then comes to rest about 3 floors up. The whole time the player is riding the lift, they are able to see themselves as a cinematic kicks in to capture the best angles of the mover.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Friday, September 26, 2008

EXP 2- Intro Movie

The Pan- Original Volume

The pan, as shown below depicts the George Street building. I tried to focus on highlighting the height and emphasizing it. The pan goes from top to bottom and back and it shows a significant cross section. This pan shot sets the scene for the next two camera shots of the explosions, the pan acts as a "before and after" technique.

The Rotation- Y%

The rotation of the Y% model really targets the central shafts, I did this by spiraling down almost into the top of the building to communicate to the viewer that this was a significant part of the explosion. I tried to capture the vertical nature of the explosion by starting off with the camera looking down through the height of the structure and then rotating around to reveal the epicentres and the horizontal damage of the dynamites explosion.

The Zoom- X%

The Zoom was really about giving an overview of the building/damage and then focusing in on a point of interest. I began from a distance and then added a slight rotate to my zoom to allow more sides of the building to be shown. I then zoomed in on one of my three epicentres (dynamite clusters) to demonstrate where the carnage originated from and where it went. The Explosion itself (as commented on in the intro movie) obviously explores the idea of explosions within structures which is what I looked at in Exp 1. I wanted to expand on this and study the stronger and weaker points of the building and my X% illustrates my understanding of how the explosion would have taken place. The windows and lighter interior walls would be the first to be penetrated by the blast which would leave the thicker floor panels in tact (until the whole thing collapses!). The images of my Solidworks model document how the blast would have passed through the George Street building.

Monday, August 18, 2008

The Hypothesis - EXP 1 2008 BENV 2423

Final Found Machinima Clip

Experiment Results

I feel that this composition of found machinima clips introduces the ideas that I intended to experiment with. The clip puts forward the fundamental ideas of what porosity and a building is. I used the dictionary technique to clearly identify and explain what I would be dealing with. The clip relates back to my hypothesis on how porosity can change due to an explosion within a 'porous' (porous in terms of numerous rooms creating negative/empty space) building.

Final Custom Machinima Clip

Experiment Results

The experiment was set up as shown in the clip, with dynamite and explosive barrel ls placed in the negative spaces of the building. The negative spaces are an example of porosity and demonstrate (on a large scale) the porous qualities of objects and how it changes after an explosion. With the detonation of the dynamite, the walls and all objects inside the building either blew up into millions of pieces or were pushed away by the blast as hypothesized. This confirmed my initial ideas about 'changing porosity'. A few of the heavier objects remained but were still effected in some way.

Modes of Documentary

My Custom Machinima documentary employs a Expository style approach. I have used images and short pans to illustrate and argument, or in this case, an experiment. The Expository mode of documentation utilises the concept that knowledge is already held by the filmaker, which is true because the film gives details about areas of high porosity. This shows that the filmaker had prior understanding about what was going on. The benifits gained from using this mode are that you I could share my results and findings with others. The images, clips and captions were able to illustrate my point.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

How to Embed Video (Stick it on your Blog)

Steve thought that it would be a good idea if I told people how to Embed Youtube Video's onto your blog just in case you guys weren't sure.

First, open up Youtube then find your video... Copy ALL of the embed code (as shown below)

Then, paste the code into a new post... Make sure it goes into the "Edit HTML" not compose!\

Good Luck and enjoy

Draft 2- Experiment Using 3 Different Contexts- Water/Earth/Darkness

Peer Marking Sheets

When creating my 3 short clips, i decided to explore a new hypothesis.... I looked at an explosion in different contexts. I studied explosions in water, on the ground (earth), and in the dark.

With water, I wanted to explore how the objects interacted with the grid, and how the buoyancy of the barrels would affect their trajectory.

The earth explosion was based on my earlier hypothesis where I looked at an explosion in an enclosure such as a house/shed. I set up a scene and observed the way in which people and common household objects collided with each other. This concept was drawn from my found machinima clip of a shed filled with flamable barrels.

The most spectacular of the 3 explosions was the one in the dark. I focused on the contrast and change in lighting of the room, goin from pitch black to firey red/yellow. The radient heat and light that was emmitted by the numerous barrels made quite a sight.

I may in my next few experiments explore the idea and concept of an explosion in the darkness.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Draft 1 Explosion- Effects on objects in an enclosure

I will be conducting experiments into how porosity can be manipulated and changed in buildings. With the rooms acting as 'cells' or 'pockets' of space, and explosion should be able to refigure the porosity.


"All the spaces inside a building/complex makes up a greater solid, this solid is the actual building. Due to the fact that the building is porous it has a certain level of porosity which when exploded, changes and expands. I hypothesize that the reshaping and expansion of a structures porosity will occur when explosives are detonated within the rooms".

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I want to focus on the "chain reaction" idea that takes place in an explosion. I love the way that paticles interact with each other, not just explosion dynamite/tnt but wood, furniture, steel, people etc.